Sunday, March 28, 2010


Can Peeps remain true to their hearts in the online cyber world?
Wtf, I think not. Why do fucking relationships have to be so complicated?
What makes us run to another's arms looking for everything missing in our lives?
The truth eventually comes out and either someone gets hurt, torn apart or everyone involved looses.
What makes the human psyche long to look for the answers to what's missing in our lives in someone else.
Is it two people being in almost identical situations that draws them together and the same hopeless situation that can
draw them apart?
After all is said and done and the truth comes out to all concerned, what happens next? One leaves or stays stuck. Some contemplate making a change in their life. Some say they have to wait for something else to happen, whether that be
selling their house, or straightening out their finances.
Most need time to be alone to sort out their life. Nobody wants to be in a rebound relationship.
Even though you truly love this person and want so much to be together, you know you have to process all these changes.
You can hope you can hold on to your feelings for that person, but there is always the risk that you will lose them.
It can tear at your soul like nothing else, knowing this might happen, and the very thing that drew you to this incredible person can also be the very thing contributing to your demise.
I know I can't stay where I'm at now, so I have to make a major change, even if it is the wrong thing to do.
I'm telling you people, that if I don't move on, I will go out of my fucking mind. I can no longer tolerate the apathetic banter that surrounds my world right now. The other end of the spectrum that constantly slashes at my head. Living with someone who you have grown so far apart that you just tune them out all the time to save your fucking sanity.
Someone who is constantly talking at you about things you have absolutely no interest in hearing, but you somehow feel compelled to subject yourself to listen to.
Tuning out and absorbing more into your music, it somehow allows you to cope and rationalize that things will be OK.
Inside your world is falling apart, surges of emotions break out as scarce tears fall.
Advice from another tells me to just get out. Leave everything behind and just be on your own. Wanting to listen to her so badly, but fears of losing everything keeping me from breaking out. Echos of voices saying: "do this the right way"when I haven't a fucking clue what is the right way. Seems to me sacrifice has to be made on all sides for any real change to happen.
Nobody gets out unscathed. Maybe a clean break is the answer on a karmic level to keep your sanity? Don't fly that way, so don't know. I've always liked my ducks lined up in a roll before knocking them off.
Open to other opinions here because these are roads we don't traverse well.
Perhaps a list of everything I want on one side and a list of everything I will lose on the other, then make the comparison and decisions?
When someone says they need space and cannot tell you how long, estimates of three months or longer, what does that mean? Does it mean "baby I don't think things can work out for us?" or do they really need to take the time to get out of their relationship, make the break so to speak. I want so much to accept and trust the latter. Then the other question comes up about making your own decisions. What if you decide to leave your relationship because you have to and the other person decides to stay in theirs. Seems we cannot make any huge life changes based on what you think the other person may do.
She keeps telling me to make the change for me, which I know is the right way to make it, but It also leads you down a path with unknown outcomes.
I guess there are no guarantees in life and it is full of many surprises so we all have to roll with the punches. Nobody gets out alive and when love is at stake it seems nobody always gets what they want.